AHA (Artists Helping Animals)

The HartSong Project is a collaborative endeavor by musicians/artists with a common voice; a voice of respect, compassion and concern for all animals.
The Project’s first release is the “Seeing is Believing” CD, a collection of original songs, written and performed by musicians, that in some way, shape or form, have some kind of musical connection with the foothills of Northern California.
In the spring of 2008, we put the word out that we were looking for players to help record a fund-raising CD.

The anticipated CD release date is June 2010. In the mean time, we have posted “Sooner of Later,” an original composition by co-founders of HartSong Ranch, Jim and Kathy Hart. Please download and enjoy. We invite you to check back in for recording session photos, video clips and updates. (to be posted soon)
Proceeds from the sale of the “Seeing is Believing” CD will go directly toward feed, veterinary services, shelter and farrier services for the permanent residents that live at the sanctuary.
If you would like to contribute and/or participate in The HartSong Project, email Jim Hart.
Our sincere thanks to all whom have graciously contributed to this project.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to contribute and/or participate in The HartSong Project, email Jim Hart.
Our sincere thanks to all whom have graciously contributed to this project.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
HartSong Studio
Sooner or Later - Music and Lyrics by Kathy Hart ©2005Kathy Hart – Bass/Vocals – Greenwood, CAJim Hart - Drums/Recording engineer – Greenwood, CAKelly Stephens - Guitar/Keyboard – Cool, CA
Sooner or Later - The inspiration for this song was our awareness to the plight of PMU* foals. It is a song
of sorrow, then hope, action and triumph.
Thank you for listening.
*PMU stands for pregnant mare urine. The urine is used in the production of Premarin and Prempro, both well-known hormone replacement therapies. The drug companies want to keep mares pregnant and so every year, the byproducts, their babies, which number in the thousands, are sent to slaughter in Canada. Please, for the sake of baby horses and their mothers, I urge women everywhere to educate themselves on other available forms of HRT.
It’s time to find another way!
It’s time to find another way!
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