Hartsong Ranch is located on 30 rolling acres in the beautiful Sierra Nevada foothill community of Greenwood, California. We are named HartSong Ranch for two reasons. First, our last name is Hart. Second, we are musicians, therefore, “song” in Hartsong. Jim is a drummer and I am a bassist/songwriter. Without question, the animals at the sanctuary inspire many of the melodies for the music we create. (Please check out the HartSong Project page.)
New arrivals to the sanctuary share two primary commonalities. They are disabled and… they are defeated. Remarkably, therein lies the inspiration. Early on, we learned these special animals are defeated, not by their disability, but rather their environmental circumstance. So we set out to change the circumstance. We put them back in nature and by doing so, gave them a choice. “Remain as you are, or find your way-you decide”? Guess what? They ALWAYS choose to find their way. ALWAYS! Watching them become masters of their surroundings is truly fascinating. Everyday, they navigate trees, rocks, hills, fences and watering holes. They go on long walks, stand in the sun, roll in the dirt, scratch on the trees, play, frolic and kick up their heels. They are healthy, appreciative and so happy to be alive. Therein, lies the reward.
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